How much do Philippine Celebrities earn from social media?

How much do Philippine Celebrities earn from social media?

In the data released by Facebook Global Monitor for the year ending February 2010, the Philippines placed second to Taiwan among the ten countries in which Facebook grew fastest.And according to the data released by Rappler, the number of Filipinos

3 basic strategies in Digital Marketing

3 basic strategies in Digital Marketing

If you are a newbie on digital marketing, then you are probably wondering how to start your digital marketing plans? First of all before starting any digital marketing campaign, let’s first start the the basic. Here are 3 tips to

What is the role of social media in your business?

What is the role of social media in your business?

Social media has been one of the favorite go to “digital marketing” strategy for most business. Small businesses would often create a social media account immediately. But there are times making social media accounts may not the best form of

Which social analytics tool is for you?

There’s a social media analytics tool out there that best suits your business. But before you decide, ask yourself the following question: How big is your budget?Some tools come free, or have a “freemium” model that offers a free trial,

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